Aviation Tech: Of Reality and Man

On the application of VR, AR and MR in the aviation industry.

On the topic of trending Aviation Tech, we will be talking about some recent advances. Specifically, in the applications of VR, AR, and the most recent one, MR in the aviation industry.

But before talking about those alternative realities and how they can help shape the future of aviation tech, let us back track a bit and talk about reality itself.

Let there be light

Genesis 1:3

Reality varies according to the watcher; watchers such as humans, animals or even cellular organisms have different perceptions of reality.   

For us humans, reality is our perception of the universe around us; it’s the shape of things that we touch and feel and the time we spend. Waiting for a doctor’s appointment takes forever while watching an exciting game on TV with friends finishes far too quickly.

We do live in a spacetime consisting of 3 dimensions that define space and a fourth dimension that defines time. As basic as it seems, this concept of a 4-dimensional universe is relatively new and started to take shape in the 18th century.

In our case, we see our surroundings in 3 dimensions while times passes by and that is our reality.

Latter theoretical physicists told us that we do live in more than 4 dimensions. Some claim it to be 11 dimensions, others 21 dimensions and the list goes on based on different theories.

Here we are not talking about the 11D cinemas. In those cases, dimensions may include vibration or scent.


Here we are talking about a universe that is beyond our understanding of reality. Take, for example, the 11-dimensional M-theory where the fifth dimension is a parallel universe (if you live in such universe you will have a similar perception of reality) and the sixth dimension is made up of infinite parallel universes. The list of dimensions goes on while manipulating the laws of physics.

Other types of people came up with a different kind of idea.

Instead of 4, 5 or N integer number of dimensions that govern our universe, hence our perception of reality, what if there is a half dimension or maybe 2.849212 dimension and so on.

Who came up with such an idea? Mathematicians of course; who else can come up with something like this!

The Math Side of Things

The Cantor set is an example of those fractal dimensions: a line where we remove the middle third and we end up with 2 lines and then we remove the middle third of those 2 lines and continue to do this to infinity.

We end up with line that is of a measure 0 according to our understanding of reality but have uncountable points.

In the early 1900s, a German mathematician by the name of Hausdorff came along and said, “Well, it can’t be true that this is a zero measure.” Thus, he invented his own way to measure not only this set but another similar one.

He found out that the actual “size” or dimension is 0.6309 dimension.

So, imagine for example, a 0.52115-dimensional organism living in “our” 4-dimensional universe that exists in 11 dimensions.  

Our reality of spacetime is limited to our senses and perception of the world around us. Therefore, going beyond this may get complicated as not-really explained above.

Luckily VR, AR and MR are not complicated, as those technologies don’t take us beyond our spacetime but rather enhance our understanding of it. This is especially true in their application for aviation tech.


  • Click Aviation Network and its aviation tech laboratories are not working on a time travel machine.
  • Click Aviation Network isn’t aware if any of its members is working on a time travel machine.

All You Need To Know About A Private Jet Flyer

Private Jet Users

Typically, one sees a private jet as a lavish experience for a posh family who prefers a luxurious trip. On the other hand, the aviation industry depicts them as an effective way to travel. They are also shown as a way to get access to remote airports that are not served by commercial flights.

This means that we view private jets differently in the business world and in the social norm.

The “WHO”

We hear plenty about private jets and endlessly about who uses them from topnotch celebrities, to royalties, and old business men in suits with greying hair or balding heads; however, that is how the media shows it and how our brains have learned to view private jets.

In fact, according to a shared internal data by a charter broker based in the UK that goes by the name PrivateFly, 37% of its passengers were women and the average age of passengers, of both genders, was 41 years old. Much to our surprise, the age is younger than our imagination lets us view them.

The Thunderbolt

The bigger surprise does not lie in the age group above, but in the following one. According to Stratajet, a mobile app where customers can hire a private charter effortlessly, customers who book private jets through said app are aged 44 and below and that makes up 69% of the app’s customers.

In addition to that, the app states that the largest age group is among 25 to 34 year-olds. This means that the private jet users are even younger than the 40s and younger than what we could ever imagine.

What to Deduce?

To conclude, the age group of private jet users is decreasing throughout the years; however, this leaves an open conclusion to the situation. Is the younger generation using private jets to be efficient or is it for luxurious purposes?


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How Are Airfares Still Costly Despite Low Jet Fuel Prices

Jet fuel only accounts for less than 40% of an airline’s total operating costs. A gallon of jet fuel cost approximately $2 for U.S. carriers.  The International Air Transport Association has stated that there can be a 26 % drop of total operating expenses if the oil prices were to stay the same. 

Although the fuel prices have dropped by 50%, travelers shouldn’t expect airfares and transportation costs to also lessen. Lower fuel prices can be both, good and bad news for the airlines. This is dependent on the carrier’s’ fuel hedging positions in the industry. But because of how unpredictable the jet fuel prices are, planning operation expenses become even harder. Fuel prices are just one of the cost factors in the airline industry.

Any profit airlines make due to lowered fuel costs being goes without benefits; those profits are invested in keeping up with other expenses that go into maintenance. The other expenses add up to have nearly little or no changes at all. Maintenance of the aircraft includes aircraft parts, labor cost, airlines promotion and other commissions as well.  

Gradually increasing ticket prices little at a time helps the airlines company take precautions for sudden fuel cost hikes. Due to the unpredictability of oil prices, the airlines industry is constantly looking out for various coping mechanisms and strategies to avoid sudden crisis. Recovering from previous losses and a number of other costs conclude that there really can be no connection between fuel costs and airfares.


Contact us to learn how this could impact your trip planning.

The Complete Aviation Platform

Click Aviation Network offers an innovative concept to revolutionize business networking in our industry through a new aviation platform. The platform represents a unified approach to aviation. Above all, Click provides a place for different players in the industry to come together under one roof. The platform, therefore, helps charter brokers, operators, suppliers and other service providers to connect promptly and more effectively.

Benefits of Click Aviation Platform

The platform helps to create new business opportunities by bridging demands & suppliers to increase operational efficiency, business growth, eliminate risks, reduce costs and build credibility.

The four main pillars of Click platform are:

  • Connect: Engage with various entities of the aviation industry.
  • Grow: Get all the support you need to develop your business.
  • Build: Create and enhance your business portfolio and present your services on Click platform.
  • Save: The platform ensures the best competitive prices for your business requests.

How Click Aviation Platform Works

All members of Click Network can use the platform to post both their requests and their needs, as the platform represents an added value to the industry. Click’s team has designed the platform to make operational, commercial and financial processes work smoothly like other professional business platforms.

Click’s platform enables multiple user access, charter inquiry management, access to the location of an aircraft, access to airport and FBO directories, direct communication with operators, as well as access to invoices and management reports.

Additionally, Click Aviation Network provides pre-trip, in-flight, on-ground and post-trip services.

The company is fully dedicated to empowering businesses in the aviation industry as it works on connecting and collaborating with the right set of partners, discovering new opportunities, establishing valuable relationships. Moreover, Click increases operational efficiency, builds better relationships with customers and improves financial performance in a sustainable way.

Offering a complete set of solutions both online and offline, Click Aviation Network is a single point of contact for companies to increase their competitive advantage through the convergence of technology, collaboration and customer experience. For more information, please visit www.click.aero

Boeing Legends Never Die


As we wish Boeing a happy 100th birthday, we take a look back at some of the most iconic moments in the company’s history.


Contact our team to learn more!

Top Ground Handling Services

Flight Operation Planning: 5 Things to Remember

There are five important things to always remember throughout the flight operation planning process. Above all, it is important to be prepared. Watch our video to see the five most important items our team has compiled.


Learn more about how we can support your flight operation planning as a result of our global network of connectivity.


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Why is Business Aviation Significant

The Significance of Business Aviation

Business aviation forms an integral part of the greater industry. It provides safe, effective and timely transportation compared to other modes of transport. According to the National Business Aviation Association, business aviation is defined as the use of a general aviation airplane for a business or private purpose.

Companies across the world require efficient air transport services from time to time to improve speed, productivity, and flexibility. This is especially true when there is limited or no access to commercial aircraft services.

The list below details out a few reasons why companies use this mode of transport as a solution to their travel challenges:

Minimal Access

Business aviation reaches more airports than any commercial airline does. It reaches out to small towns or rural areas where there is minimal or no commercial airline service.

Multiple Destinations

Companies can reach multiple destinations in a single day with this method compared to other modes of transportation. You can save time and increase productivity by meeting several clients in different cities/countries in a single day.


In today’s competitive corporate world, when opportunities come knocking, companies should be quick to grab them. Aviation provides flexibility for companies where they can respond to changing demand and unforeseen circumstances.

Productivity And Security

This type of transport also helps professionals to increase productivity. Businesspersons can have meetings and work en route. Confidential matters can be discussed on-board in a secure environment without the fear of threat or espionage.

Maintaining Contact

Technologies that allow passengers to maintain constant communication throughout the flight duration are easily accessible on aviation aircraft. This can be very important for companies managing a quickly changing situation.

The Benefit to Investors

Research has shown that businesses/companies that use aviation as a solution to meet their transportation challenges yield more revenue to investors compared to companies that do not utilize this method.

Schedule Forecast

It is a common occurrence nowadays where passengers miss their connecting flights due to flight delays or cancellations, due to natural circumstances, technical snag, or other factors. Aviation for business is an important tool when the company and the management are dependent on you arriving on time and attending an important meeting to snag a deal.

Business aviation is an excellent way to impress your clients and business partners.

Contact us to learn more.